January 1, 2024 | 03:00 pm PT
Many consider that consuming pho bo (rice noodles with beef) and iced tea on the similar time may result in fats clumping, inflicting most cancers. Is that this true? (Tu, 30, Hanoi)
The knowledge talked about has no scientific foundation and is inaccurate.
Animal fat, when uncovered to chilly temperatures, could clump or solidify, which is a traditional biochemical response. Nonetheless, iced tea is just not chilly sufficient to trigger fats in pho bo to clump or solidify.
Furthermore, when these meals enter the abdomen, our physique temperature breaks down and liquefies the fats molecules earlier than they’re digested. Due to this fact, the declare that consuming pho bo and ingesting iced tea on the similar time causes fats clumping, irritation, or most cancers, is just not scientifically supported.
Bowls of beef pho served at a restaurant in HCMC. Picture by VnExpress/Huynh Nhi |
Nonetheless, it’s suggested to not drink overly concentrated tea with pho bo. Tea is wealthy in tannin, which inhibits iron absorption, and beef is excessive in iron. Therefore, it’s higher to restrict tea consumption or select different drinks when consuming this dish.
It is suggested to decide on pho with clear broth to cut back fats consumption. Consuming fat-rich meals will increase the danger of ldl cholesterol and lipid issues.
With a purpose to have a wholesome digestive system, it’s suggested to stability between 4 important nutrient teams: carbohydrates, proteins, fat, and minerals.
Dr. Nguyen Gia Thuan
Hanoi College of Science and Expertise’s Institute of Biotechnology and Meals Expertise